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Meet Lala Woods: A FreeTHEM Walker

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

LaLa Woods, a native of Buffalo, New York who makes the health and wellness of black and brown people a priority is a part of the FreeTHEM Walker family

The disparities in health & wellness care , access and resources play a role in the well being of so many! FREEDOM hasn't been obtained for all of us. FREEDOM isn't available to everyone , THAT's why I am walking to bring awareness to END modern day slavery & end Human trafficking.

There are so many reason why people fall victim to trafficking and it's important to me to follow the footsteps of my ancestors and continue to use my platform to fight for FREEDOM.

Join TEAM LMF and Donate towards our efforts in the name of health which is true wealth!

To Support Lala and her journey, CLICK HERE.

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